The mission of Trànsit Projectes (Barcelona) is to facilitate citizens to access the social and cultural capital of their communities by empowering people, fostering social cohesion, and social inclusion. For over twenty years, Transit has been collaborating on a regular basis with the main experts in cultural, educational and social organisations at local, national and international level to define new cultural strategies, for private businesses, associations, foundations and public institutions, in order to improve society.
Auteur/autrice : redac
IRFSS Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The IRFSS, created in 1950 and located in Bègles, is one of the training institutes of the French Red Cross. It covers the training of professionals in healthcare, social welfare, emergency assistance and professional risks. The French Red-Cross is both an association, with over 53 000 volunteers fighting precariousness for over 150 years, and a non-profit organisation with over 17 000 employees and 600 establishments in healthcare and social welfare training.
Pour La Solidarité
Pour la Solidarité is an independent European « Think and Do Tank » committed to promoting solidarity and sustainability in Europe, defending and strengthening the European social model, subtle balance between economic growth and social justice.
Pôle Culture & Santé en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Pôle Culture et Santé en Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a Cooperative Society of Collective Interest created in 2011.
Founded on the values of the social and solidarity economy, our responsibility is to facilitate interconnection and relationships between the worlds of the arts, culture and health. We support professionals in these sectors to consolidate their cooperative approaches. We are also working on the recognition and promotion of these general interest projects. We conduct our missions while respecting people’s cultural rights.
IAHV Luxembourg
Founded in 1997, IAHV is an NGO established in nearly 60 countries, with a mission to help build sustainable peace. IAHV vision states “a community at peace starts with an individual at peace”. It’s approach to best manage conflicts within diverse human groups, is to first intervene at the individual level, thus generating a lasting impact at the community level.
Specializing in the fields of stress and conflict/trauma management, IAHV supports rehabilitation to various groups of individuals: drug addicted, Ex-prisoners, those affected by conflict zones and natural disasters, etc. The aim and goal is assisting the individuals to become autonomous again.
IAHV works diligently to promote human values through their extensive socio-educational training programs, and works in a special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC, UNAIDS) since 2002.
Collectif Formation Société
Active since 1987 in continuing education projects, Collectif Formation Société is a non-profit association convinced of the necessity to facilitate access to education and culture for all, in order to build a fairer society, more democratic and united, in a perspective of equality and social progress.
Listen to the first 10 portraits from the Clichés gallery in podcast
You can now discover the first 10 portraits of the Clichés gallery in podcast here:
In these stories, you will hear how volunteers, students or employees of the French Red Cross who found themselves in a vulnerable situation decided to take action, for themselves and for others.
A website dedicated to the Clichés gallery is under development and will be online in 2021, where you will find all the inspiring portraits created as part of the Change Of View project.

Les 10 premiers portraits de la galerie Clichés à écouter en podcast
Vous pouvez désormais découvrir les 10 premiers portraits de la galerie Clichés en podcast ici :
Dans ces récits, vous entendrez comment des bénévoles, des étudiants ou des salariés de la Croix-Rouge française qui se sont retrouvés dans une situation de vulnérabilité ont décidé de passer à l’action, pour eux-mêmes et pour les autres.
Un site internet dédié à la galerie Clichés est en cours de développement et sera en ligne en 2021, vous y retrouverez tous les portraits inspirants créés dans le cadre du projet Change Of View.

Second training activity of the project
In view of the health crisis, we had to adapt the program of the second training activity of the project initially planned in Bordeaux.
This week, we therefore met online with our European partners as well as some of their students, learners or beneficiaries. We were able to work on the development of the game and the gallery through different workshops in sub-groups.

Deuxième activité de formation du projet
Au vu de la crise sanitaire, nous avons dû adapter le programme de la deuxième activité de formation du projet initialement prévue à Bordeaux.
Cette semaine, nous nous sommes donc réunis en ligne avec nos partenaires européens ainsi que certains de leurs étudiants, apprenants ou bénéficiaires. Nous avons pu travailler sur le développement du jeu et de la galerie à travers différents ateliers en sous-groupes.