Every year and twice a year, the social innovation accelerator 21 of the French Red Cross launches a call for projects in order to boost initiatives with a strong social impact carried out by actors inside and outside the Red Cross.

The “portrait gallery” production of the Change Of View project, renamed “Clichés”, was selected alongside three other initiatives within the “intrapreunariat” program. This program aims to develop initiatives led by members of the Red Cross network.
Clichés consists of uploading a gallery of “inspiring portraits” created with the target audience and accompanied by a methodology allowing social workers and volunteers to enrich and use this gallery. Neither idols nor superheroes, these portraits represent inspiring references allowing the most vulnerable people to recognize themselves in people close to their experience and their reality, in order to be able to enter a phase of mobilization, essential to any journey of insertion.
With the support of 21, Clichés aims to create a website. The French Red Cross could benefit from the deployment of this support methodology within its Training and Social Action sectors, while exhibiting the portrait gallery in its various structures and establishments.
You can find out about the other winners here: https://medium.com/21croixrouge/saison-2-les-8-projets-laur%C3%A9ats-b32583eb929d